There are many reasons to be stressed – especially now. They affect our sleep, physical and mental performance, relationships with loved ones, and health. Our challenge is to find ways to combat stress. Physical activity is one of them.
Exercise allows us not just to distract ourselves from stress, but to create psychological and physical prerequisites for successfully fighting it.
It is important to understand how and why regular exercise builds resilience to stress.
Happiness hormones.
Neurotransmitters – serotonin, endorphin, dopamine and oxytocin – belong to this concept in a general sense. These hormones are excellent produced through exercise. And also through food, shopping, parties, and pleasant conversations. We’re sure you can handle the eating, shopping, and talking on your own. But we can help you with exercise.
Each of the hormones is associated with a specific effect that occurs when you exercise. Dopamine is responsible for the feeling of joy when a person accomplishes something they want to do. Endorphin contributes to feelings of euphoria, energy and lightness. Serotonin is associated with recognition and respect from others. Oxytocin gives a sense of security.
In the process of performing physical activity, hormonal changes occur in the body due to the activation (awakening) of all or part of these hormones.
The most common effect you’ve probably experienced is the emotional boost after a workout. This is the result of the production of endorphins. Dopamine is responsible for the joy of a completed workout. Through likes and kudos on social media, you have gained the respect of others. You feel good and serotonin has been produced. You have overcome a difficult distance and are now confident in your abilities – this is the action of oxytocin. These are all physiological reactions of the body, no magic.
Optimal load.
It’s important to find the optimal load so that you don’t put your body even more into a state of stress. Without trained stress there is no proper progress, but this does not apply to a period when anxiety levels are off the charts. In a state of stress, when adrenaline and noradrenaline are already being actively produced, it is better to favor low-intensity exercise. Light running, yoga, stretching, Pilates, walking – anything that does not raise the heart rate high and does not affect the release of large amounts of adrenaline into the bloodstream.
Concentrate on the process.
It helps to shift your thoughts and concentrate on your body and breathing, forgetting about the problems that are bothering you. This kind of concentration needs to be practiced. You’ve probably noticed yourself that even during a workout, you think about everything but the workout itself. Whenever you notice that you are mentally going through problem after problem, immediately bring yourself back to the present moment and try to concentrate on your body and its movements.
A sense of control.
It is scientifically proven that accomplishing daily planned tasks reduces stress levels, gives you a sense of control over your life, and increases your self-confidence. In such a period, it is better to just trust the plan and follow it. Don’t over task yourself until your condition returns to normal.
Workouts with friends.
Spend your workouts in the company of your friends or with your family. There is no better way to combat stress than socializing with cool people. Go for a run a few times a week, sign up for a running group and run together. The main thing to remember is that your friends are no substitute for psychotherapy, don’t load them up with your problems, they have more than a few of their own.
The joy of accomplishment.
In difficult times, even “get out of bed” is a step in the right direction. Treat yourself with care and try to encourage yourself. Doing exercise – I did great, going for a run – I’m a hero. Each such step is a small achievement. Such achievements will quietly displace stress and create a sense of accomplishment and joy. Don’t forget to praise yourself in the process.
Sports can be your friend and helper, but not a pill for all diseases. Explore other methods of dealing with negative emotions and stress. All together will definitely bring peace of mind and confidence into your life